Undergraduate Admission

Candidates applying to the University of Science and Technology (UST) must read the admission criteria quite well to determine their eligibility to apply UST. This step ensures that the applicant meets the basic requirements set forth by the UST Admission Office to proceed further into the application process. The process requires input from students regarding their type of high school degree, scores in specific subjects, the current overall grade/score, science and math subjects scores, graduation year, school, program, and related information.


Admission Booklet

click here to access the Admission Booklet.


Admission Policies

  • High School Certificates before 2021 are not considered for admission.
  • UST opens admission for the fall semester of each academic year.
  • Applicants must hold the Egyptian secondary school general certificate (Thanaweya Amma) or approved equivalent certificates.
  • After the final acceptance, foreign certificate holders should have completed at least 12 years of schooling. They have to submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • The minimum required high school grade for application is updated and announced each year.
  • The application is available online only.
  • Incomplete applications and online applications submitted beyond the announced deadline will not be considered for a final decision.
  • The applicant must provide evidence of English proficiency as explained in the next section.
  • Students are assessed based on high school grades, admission exam scores (for the School of Engineering and the School of Science), English proficiency, and personal Interview.
  • Achieving the minimum requirement for application does not mean that the student will be immediately accepted to the university.
  • Only students achieving the highest high school grades, in addition to achieving the highest scores in the Admission Exam (for the School of Engineering and the School of Science), the English exam, and the interview will be considered for acceptance.
  • All the regulations and rules of the Ministry of Higher Education are taken into consideration before the final acceptance of the applicant.


Admission Process

1) Complete Online Application

  • The online application for the academic year 2023/2024 starts on the 20th of March, 2023. (Application deadline extended till Thursday, August 18, 2023)
  • You (the applicant) should fill out and submit the online application.
  • You check your email immediately to click the verification link.
  • You will receive the UST application ID number within 7 working days.


2) Pay Application Fees

  • Application and admission exam/interview fees amount to:
    • 1000 EGP for Egyptian students
    • 75 USD for international students
  • The application and admission exam/interview fees are non-refundable.
  • You should pay the fees and send a scanned copy of the proof of payment by email to admission@zewailcity.edu.eg stating UST ID in the subject line.


3) Sit for Admission Exam (if required by School)

  •  For students applying to the School of Engineering and the School of Science, the students have to sit for an Admission Exam. The exam date, time, and relevant details will be sent to your email shortly after receiving proof of payment of the application fees.
  • For information about the UST Admission Exam and exam samples, please click here.
  • Students applying to the School of Business and the School of Computational Sciences and Artificial Intelligence are not required to sit for an Admission Exam.


4) English Proficiency Test

  • Since English is the language of study at UST, all prospective applicants have to sit for the UST English Placement Test (EPT) or submit scores for one of the following tests:
    • IELTS-Academic
    • Pearson PTE
  • Depending on the EPT (or the alternative test) results, applicants may be able to apply to join UST and start their study programs directly or may need to take intensive English study courses as per the below table.
  • Applicants who do not pass the EPT will not be accepted. Minimum scores for passing the alternative English proficiency tests are indicated in the last row in the table below. 







PTE (Academic)

Exemption from Remedial Courses= ENG152/first credit course

7 and above in the overall IELTS score 

94 or above in the overall TOEFL (IBT) score 

64-72 in the overall PTE score

Level 2 (ENGL004)

6.5 in the overall IELTS score 

79-93 in the overall TOEFL (IBT) score 


58-63 in the overall PTE score

Level 1 (ENGL003) 

5.5 or 6 in the overall IELTS score 

46-78 in the overall TOEFL (IBT) score

42-57 in the overall PTE score

No admission

5 or less in the overall IELTS score

35-45 or less in the overall TOEFL (IBT) score

35-41 in the overall PTE score



  • For Saudi Thanaweya, all applicants must submit a copy of their aptitude test scores in addition to their official final results.
  • Arab Countries Thanaweya is calculated as per the regulations and score calculation rules of the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt.
  • All Islamic subjects are not calculated during the evaluation of the final percentage.
  • Students obtaining their Thanaweyya Amma from Yemen must submit proof of 12 years of schooling.
  • IGCSE Applicants are invited to apply online soon with the available results and then send an update of their high school certificates by email to admission@zewailcity.edu.eg immediately after the official release of the final results, with quoting their application ID number. The final high school official results are the main factor in the acceptance final decision by the university. Failure to send the scanned copies of the final official result will cause a cancellation of the application.
  • Foreign certificates holders have to submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • IGCSE Applicants will be required to apply online starting from 6th of November 2019 till 31st of May 2020 with the available results and then send an update of their high school certificates by email to admission@zewailcity.edu.eg immediately after the official release of the final results.
  • The final high school official results are the main factor in the acceptance decision by the university.
  • Failure to send the final official result before the announced deadline will cause a cancellation of the application.
  • Students must submit 8 different IGCSE O-level (OL) and Advanced Supplementary-level (ASL) or A-level (AL) subjects including chemistry or physics or math or biology, in addition to one A-level (AL) subject or two Advanced Supplementary-level (ASL) subjects (math, chemistry, physics or biology).
  • Students must pass the Arabic and religion exams of Thanaweya Amma before or after the final acceptance in the university. IGCSE OL subjects should be from the extended system, not the core system.
  • Up to five settings are considered acceptable (taken over no more than three successive years).
  • The University of Science and Technology accepts for the application, a minimum grade of C in O-level or AS-level and a minimum grade of D in A-level subjects (math or chemistry or physics or biology) 8 different IGCSE / GCSE O-level (OL) or Advanced Supplementary-level (ASL) or A-level (AL) subjects. Repeated subjects will not be double counted.
  • The best grade obtained in a repeated subject will be the only one considered. Below is a table explaining the equivalent percentages of the British grades:



 / Equivalent Percentage












Below is a table explaining the equivalent percentages of the British new numerical grading :



Numerical Grading 



Highest Grade In Egyptian System (100%)


100 ٪


95 ٪


88 ٪





  • CNISE Applicants are required to apply online soon with the available results and then send an update of their high school certificates by email to admission@zewailcity.edu.eg immediately after the official release of the final results.
  • The final high school official results are a main factor in the acceptance decision by the university.
  • Failure to send the final official result before the announced deadline will cause a cancellation of the application.
  • Students must have submit Seven L1 subjects and Two L2 subjects or One L3 subject in chemistry or physics or math or biology.
  • Students must have successfully completed 12 years of schooling. Students must pass the subjects of National Education and Religion exams of Thanaweya Amma.

Below is a table explaining the equivalent percentages of the Nile International Certificate:

Equivalent Percentage









































  • Foreign certificate holders have to submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • Students must have successfully completed eight different subjects including the qualifying subjects: chemistry or physics or math or biology.
  • Subjects can be calculated from grade 11 (a maximum of three subjects) and/or grade 12 (minimum five subjects).
  • Subjects worth less than one credit will not be accepted and subjects such as physical education, music, and religion will not be counted.
  • The minimum required score for accepting the application is a combined total score of New SAT I 1050 / 1600 and 1100/1600 in SAT II with a minimum score of 500 for each qualifying subject of SAT II.
  • SAT II scores are not accepted after the graduation date from the high school.
  • Foreign certificate holders have to submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • Students must have submit the high school and SAT scores. Students must have successfully completed eight different subjects including the qualifying subjects: chemistry or physics or math or biology.
  • Subjects can be calculated from grade 11 (maximum of three subjects) and from grade 12 (minimum of five subjects).
  • Subjects such as physical education, music, and religion will not be counted. The minimum required score for accepting the application is a combined total score of New SAT I 1050 / 1600 and 1100/1600 in SAT II with a minimum score of 500 for each qualifying subject of SAT II.
  • SAT II scores are not accepted after the graduation date from the high school.
  • Students must pass the Arabic and religion exams of Thanaweya Amma before or after the final acceptance in the university.
  • Students must have successfully completed eight different subjects including the qualifying subjects: chemistry or physics or math or biology.
  • Subjects can be calculated from grade 11 (maximum of three subjects) and from grade 12 (minimum of five subjects).
  • An advanced level subject in grade 12 is required either in biology or math. The subject must have also been studied in grade 11.
  • Foreign certificate holders should submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • Seven subjects must be included in grade calculations (including the qualifying subjects).
  • Five points will be added to each course in the evaluation as a bonus and the final percentage will be calculated according to the student’s score in each course and the corresponding coefficient.
  • French Baccalaureate is calculated as per the regulations and score calculation rules of the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt.
  • Students must pass the Arabic and religion exams of Thanaweya Amma before or after the final acceptance in the university.
  • Foreign certificate holders have to submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • Students must have taken the qualifying subjects in grade 11 and 12.
  • Seven subjects must be included in the grade calculations (including the qualifying subjects).
  • Students must pass the Arabic and religion exams of Thanaweya Amma before or after the final acceptance in the university.
  • Foreign certificate holders have to submit a proof of the whole 12 years of schooling or three years of secondary school after the Egyptian preparatory school certificate (إعدادية) or six years of preparatory and secondary school after the Egyptian primary school certificate (ابتدائية).
  • Students must have passed six subjects, with a minimum of three taken at the high level (including the qualifying subjects: biology or math or chemistry or physics).
  • Theory of knowledge and Extended Essay are required subjects and Passing in English language is a must for acceptance.
  • Students must obtain the final graduation IB Diploma to be considered for admission.
  • Students must pass the Arabic and religion exams of Thanaweya Amma before or after the final acceptance in the university.

Below is a table explaining the equivalent percentages of the IB scores:


 / Equivalent Percentage


 / Equivalent Percentage













































The certificate must be officially equivalent to the Egyptian Thanaweya Amma.

Students must have achieved a minimum approved score in the high school in compliance with the regulations and score calculation rules of the Ministry of Higher Education in Egypt.



5) Pass the Personal Interview

  • The UST interviewer assesses the following key aspects:
    • Motivation to join UST
    • Emotional stability
    • Communication skills and self-confidence
  • Language skills are not part of the interview evaluation metrics.



For Any Inquiry

Please send an email to admission@zewailcity.edu.eg Or visit the Office of Admission and Registration in Zewail City of Science and Technology, Dr. Ahmed Zewail Road, October Gardens, 6th of October City, Giza, Egypt. One Stop Shop - ground floor, Room No: G004 in any day from 9 AM to 2 PM except Friday, Saturday and the official vacations.