Undergraduate academic regulations


Students must register at the beginning of each semester during the registration period stated in the university calendar for that academic year. Prior to registration, students must clear any financial, advising, medical or admission holds. A late fee will apply once the registration deadline has passed. The university reserves the right to request early completion of registration (pre-registration and pre-payment of tuition and fees) prior to the begining of the semester. Registered students must enroll in the number of classes that will fulfill the minimum number of credits required by the university or they must cancel their registration.

Late registration

A fee will be charged for late registration. Students will not be allowed to register following the passage of one week after the registration deadline without a written approval.

Selecting courses

Students are required to carefully select courses from among those available in any given semester. Under the guidance of the university's major advisors, course selection should satisfy the university's requirements for core courses, major and concentration courses, and prerequisite courses. Students should obtain the necessary approvals on their planning cards from the course instructor, head of the academic unit, and the dean if required.

Course planning card

A course planning card is required for all enrolled students. The planning card includes the student’s name, identification number, number of courses, section numbers, and names and signatures of course instructors for courses requiring permission. Students must submit their course planning cards to the office of admissions and registration on time and in person after obtaining their advisors’ signatures. A written approval is required after the permitted registration time. Violation of course planning card rules will subject the student to disciplinary action.

Independent study course

An independent study course is intended to allow students to conduct a necessary research project or to study a subject that is not available during the semester. It must be approved by the undergraduate advisor and the course instructor. Satisfactory completion of an approved independent study course adds credit to the student’s academic record. An independent study course form should be submitted to the office of admissions and registration. The form should clearly indicate the reason for registering an independent course. This form should be submitted during the registration period. 

Changing courses

To change from one course to another once advising and registration is over, students must obtain new approvals while giving careful consideration to their degree's requirements. The change-of-course form must be filled in and submitted to the office of admission and registration.

Change-of-course conditions

  • 1. Students are responsible for reviewing their enrolled courses and for submitting the required change-of-course form.
  • 2. No courses will be added after the drop/add period deadline stated in the university academic calendar, unless approvals are granted from the course instructor and the major advisor.
  • 3. Changes in required courses or substituted courses are not permitted unless university approvals by the course instructor and the major advisor are obtained.
  • 4. Freshmen can not drop specific courses without permission from the dean. Students should submit the change-of-course form before the deadline for dropping courses with/ without a W grade.
  • 5. Drop forms will not be accepted after the deadlines pass for dropping courses or withdrawals.
  • 6. A student who stops attending a course without submitting an approved and completed drop form will receive an F grade at the end of the term.


Dropping/adding courses and changes in schedules

Dropping/adding courses will be allowed throughout the permitted period and within the deadlines set by the university each semester. The course instructor will add a withdrawal grade to the student's academic record after the dropping deadline. 

Academic load

The university has established the minimum and maximum load of credits needed for undergraduate students to meet the registration requirements. The approved course load is 18 credit hours per semester. Exceeding this number may require special permission from the vice chair for academic affairs.

Full time undergraduate students are enrolled for at least 12 credit hours and pay a flat tuition rate. Part time students are enrolled for less than 12 credit hours and are not entitled to any university certificates.

Undergraduate class standing

For academic programs, a student’s class standing is determined by the number of completed credit hours as follows:

  • Freshmen      0 – 37 credits
  • Sophomores  38 – 68 credits
  • Juniors          69 – 99 credits
  • Seniors         100 or more credits


Exclusion from a course

The course instructor may give a written warning to any student who disregards the course requirements and, with the dean’s approval, the student will be excluded from the course and will not be permitted to continue in the class. Exclusion from a course leaves the student with a WF grade, with no right to petition or to request course evaluation.


Course instructors have the right to determine attendance and participation policies in their classes and to apply the university policy to ensure that students benefit from the lectures and practical classes.

Final examinations

Final examinations are given during the final examinations period announced each semester by the office of admission and registration. Individual academic units and departments are not authorized to change the scheduled dates. Unapproved absence from the exams results in an F grade in the course.

Each student’s grade is evaluated throughout the semester based upon quizzes, reports, discussions, assignments, midterm examinations and final examinations. The final letter grade is recorded in the student’s record.

Grading system

The grading system for individual courses reflects the undergraduate student’s work, which is evaluated and reported in terms of credits, grades and grade points.



Best two exams out of three (Make-up exams are not allowed)

40 percent

Final exam

30 percent

Homework assignments and quiz

20 percent

Class participation and attendance

10 percent


The midterm exam can be a case study, written exam or a project. The type of midterm exam must be announced clearly to the students on the first day of classes.


Grade points

Grade points per semester credit are assigned as follows:

Grades included in the grade point average (GPA)

A = 4.0

A– = 3.7

B+ = 3.3

B = 3.0

B– = 2.7

C+ = 2.3

C = 2.0

C– = 1.7

D+ = 1.3

D = 1.0

F = 0.0


Grade mapping


Minimum final percent


90 percent


85 percent


80 percent


75 percent


70 percent


65 percent


60 percent


57 percent


55 percent


50 percent


0 percent


Grades not included in the GPA










Withdrawal Passing


Withdrawal Failing




In progress

Grade point average (GPA)

The grade point average is calculated by adding all the quality points then dividing the resulting sum over the total number of credit hours.

Credit = the unit of course credit hours.

Grade = the course instructor's official evaluation of the student’s achievement, which is used for grade point average calculation.

Incomplete work

Undergraduate students who are unable to complete a course may be permitted to continue work in the course beyond the examination period for a maximum of five times over the four to five years of study. Course instructors submitting an incomplete grade must submit an incomplete grade form to the registrar’s office giving the following information:

  • Reasons for the incomplete grade.
  • Course material that was not completed.
  • Actions necessary to remove the incomplete grade.

An I grade (incomplete) is assigned to incomplete courses. The students must make arrangements with the professor to complete the course within one month after the beginning of the next academic session/semester. Failure to complete the course within one month after the beginning of the new academic session will lead to the I grade being changed to F, signifying failure.

The academic load limit of students with one incomplete grade will not be affected the following semester. However, if a student has more than one incomplete grade, the credit hours of those incompleted courses will be included in the academic load of the following semester.

Students who receive an incomplete grade(s) while on warning due to deficiency in their overall grade point average will not be allowed to register the following semester. If, however, they complete their incomplete work before the end of the late registration period, and are academically eligible, they will be allowed to proceed with registration.

Change of grade

Final grades are the official grades given by the course instructor and they will not be changed without a reason. Only faculty members can approve a change and will state the reason for this change in the change-of-grade form. Grade changes require the approval of the provost, the course instructor and the department chair. The change will then only become effective after the approval of the faculty member, the academic unit and the dean. The form must be submitted to the office of admission and registration.

Repeating a course

Students receiving a low grade in any given course may repeat the course to improve their grade. The subsequent grade will appear on the transcript and will be counted in the GPA towards the degree requirements. The previous grade will be disregarded in the GPA calculation.

Students may repeat up to five courses with department approval. Students are usually allowed to repeat failed courses for grades and for credits. However, students will not be allowed to repeat courses that have been failed due to academic dishonesty. 

Repeating the same course for the third time is not considered and the average of the last two grades is counted in the GPA.