Procedures and instructions
Academic advising and registration
- The academic rules and regulations stated in this section deal with student–university relationships. Students must read this document carefully before meeting with their academic advisors.
- Student self services will be available throughout the registration period mentioned in the university calendar.
- Academic advising for new students will take place in the respective academic departments. Students should present their letters of acceptance to the academic advisor.
- The planning form must be used during the advising process and students must correctly fill in the required information.
- Students must make an appointment with the academic advisor during the period mentioned in the university calendar.
- Students must follow all instructions found in announcements sent by the university via email during the advising/registration period. Students must make sure there is no conflict between the courses and sections they selected with the help of the academic advisor.
- Students must obtain approval for alternative courses/sections in case a section is closed or no places are available.
- Overload is only allowed during junior and senior years and not during the first foundation year.
- If a separate lab is required for a selected course, students must register in that lab.
- Students must obtain the academic advisors’ approval and signature on the planning form.
- A copy of the planning form must be submitted to the office of admissions and registration.
- Provided the above conditions are met, students should log in to “student self services” in order to complete the registration process.
- Students can log in by using their student identification number as the password.
- Students must enter a password question and answer in their first log-in session. After logging in, students are advised to change their passwords.
- On logging in, students will find the following options: “find courses”, “register” and “view schedule”.
- Using the search bar, students can find the following: “course catalog”, “section search” and “directory”.
- Students should click on the register tab for registration, then on the cart tab to “find courses” that will be added to the student’s cart.
- A summary of the student’s account balance for the selected period can be found under “finances” (detail by charges / credits / detail by summary type / balance summary).
- Students should review their registration and account balance and report any problems to the office of admissions and registration at the student service center.
- Students should click on “view schedule” for a printout of the selected courses.